Monday, 8 April 2013

Lesson Six

Today is the last lesson with Dr Yeap. I really appreciated every lesson as I understand more about math concept. I being to see that there is always more than one way to solving a problem.  Another important idea I learnt was children must be able to explain how they solve a problem.  This can be done by introducing 'Journal Writing' about math they had learnt.

Journal writing is important as it helps one to analysis, records and to solve a problem sum.  Everyone had different understanding and it is fine to use any method as long as the solution make sense.  Last but not least, daily reflection is essential to a teachers professional growth. This is to help teachers to see the effectiveness in his teaching in all area.
Lesson Five

Interesting lesson as Number Bond is discussed. I noticed throughout all the lessons, there is always a need for number bonding (relation of numbers).  This is also known as number sense.

When a child have a strong foundation in their number bonding, the child is able to understand different concept quickly. For example, instead of subtracting 7 from 10, the child will be able to see that 7 and 3 makes 10.
Next, putting a 10-space table chart in class is useful as it gives the children the visual cue to the combination / arrangement and / ways of making 10.

I believe, when a child is introduced to numbers, we can start to introduce bonding. For example, when they said 1 apple, 2 apples, 3 apples, we can use the concrete object to form different ways of making three. We can intoduce 2 and 1 apples makes 3 apples, and so on...
Lesson Four

Have you ever wonder why calculators can be used in examination now compare to our time? refer to

Intelligent can be defined as having more refined schema and more schema created.  According to Jean Piaget, intellectual development happened in two ways, assimilation and accommodation.  Therefore, children need to be able to handle problem that required thinking skill rather than just knowing how to do what a calculator can do.  We have to create opportunity for the children to acquire problem solving skill rather than computation skills. 
Lesson Three

Is Humpty Dumpty an egg? Where is the evidence to prove that it is an egg? How would this nursery rhyme be of use in a child's math learning experience?  These are some questions that make me wonder... 

I wondered why I had always listen and follow without asking myself why I had followed. But this is how I learnt my math from young, either by copying or by memorising - NO QUESTIONS asked.  But today, I found out that everything has an explanation! For example, the denominator of a fraction represents the name of an equal part of a shape!

In this lesson, I learnt that, an early childhood educator can prepare children to learn fraction by:
1) being wary of our daily instructional language used. For example, triangles are triangles and there is no such thing as upside down triangles.
2) helping children to be familiarise with visualisation through art programs.
3) providing children with sufficient physical motor skill experience, both fine and motor skill, so to develop their muscles in their mind and body.
Lesson Two

What would you do when a child in your class cannot count? How would you inform his parent? Will they be satisfied with just "your child cannot count?"
Some teachers including myself is guilty of making this remark "your child cannot count" and thats the end of the story. But in this lesson, our lecturer was able to help me see beyond this ending.

He showed me that I need to find out more about this child's learning experience. He reminded me that a child can only count when he is able to:
- classify and sort;
- do one to one corresponding;
- role count and lastly;
- understand that the last number he uses actually represent the thing.

With a re-assessment, I would be able to find out the root cause and then also the strategy to help him overcome this temporary obstacle.

Thank you Dr Yeap!
Lesson One
I learnt that children learn best when a teacher (I):
- first teaches through modelling ( I demonstrates, and children watch and follow),
- then followed by scaffolding (children do and I help),
- providing opportunity for children to try on their own,
- lastly, providing them with explanation (reasons for doing it).

I also learnt that people cannot learn much when they are alone, they have to learn in a social group, which is not perfect. They learn through trial and error to perfect their learning. (with reference to Vygotshy theroy). Therefore is important for early childhood teachers to provide enrichment rather than to hurry to accelerate children in their learning experience.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Chapter 2
To develop mathematical proficiency is to develop tasks that enables a child to build connections. These connections are ideas gathered to form a big network of ideas.
When a child acquired this, he will be effective in learning new concepts and procedures.
When the network of ideas is well constructed, he will have less to remember as the retrieval of information from the memory bank will process information quickly.
This increases retention and recall processes and thus enhance the problem-solving abilities.
Overall, it will improves the attitudes and the belief of  a child as he has developed a more positive self-concept and confidence in learning mathematics.

Chapter 1
A few steps to begin my journey towards imparting Mathematics to my students:

1. Possess the knowledge of Mathematics.

2. Be persistence in solving the problem.  "Yes! we are almost there!"

3. Have a positive attitude towards challenges. "When one door closes, there's always another door waiting to be opened."

4. Be ready for change. "There's always another path to reach the destination."

5. Have a reflective disposition. "There's always room for improvement."

Friday, 22 March 2013

Hello!!  &  Welcome to my blog!
I will be sharing my thoughts and learning from my math module here. 
Enjoy reading and do feel free to drop in your views.